Vasaras uzņemšana Zouk grupā, atvērtā bezmaksas nodarbība 26.maijā, plkst.19.00.

Padaram šo vasaru neaizmirstamu! MÄ“s atveram jaunu vasaras grupu Zouk dejai!!!

Atklātā Zouk nodarbība

26.maijā, plkst.19.00 Ernesta Birznieka-UpÄ«ša iela 20A, RÄ«ga

Vasaras uzņemšana Zouk grupā.

Aicinām JÅ«s un JÅ«su draugus 26.maijā, plkst. 19:00 uz brazÄ«liešu dejas ''zouk'' atklāto bezmaksas nodarbÄ«bu.

Zouk ir skaista brazÄ«liešu sociālā deja. Deja, kuras laikā JÅ«su kalorijas neticamā ātrumā pazudÄ«s, tiks nostiprināti muskuļi, uzlabosies stāja, attÄ«stÄ«sies Ä·ermeņa elastÄ«ba un plastiskums. Zouk deja ir Ä«paša ar to, ka tā ļauj dejot ar partneri praktiski pie jebkuras mÅ«zikas, un kas ir ne mazāk svarÄ«gi - šÄ« deja veicina pozitÄ«vu pasaules uztveri. Vienvārdsakot, tas viss ir Zouk!

Kā dejo zouk un kā tas viss izskatās? - Lūk, iedvesmai video:
Gaidām Jūs visus uz atklāto zouk nodarbību!

Atnāciet, pamÄ“Ä£iniet un sajÅ«tiet Zouk dejas garšu!

Pievienojiet savai ikdienai karstasinÄ«go brazÄ«liešu enerÄ£ijas dzirksti!

22.06.2016 10:28Автор: Henrietta
Just one qus#iton&e8230;If yelps review filters are legit and they are REALLY trying to improve reliability, then why do I have Yelp salespeople calling me and offering to restore all of my great reviews if I spend hundreds of dollars in advertisement per month with them? I have one thing to say: MY filter is picking up on a scam from yelp.
22.06.2016 10:31Автор: Issy
My mother really did not want us. So mother day really hurts. I so miss my wonderful son Chris and my daughter Alice is so far away. I will be spending Mor93t&#eh;s Day with some members at the church so I won't be alone. My heart is breaking while I type this. Thank you for checking in on me. Wanda
22.06.2016 10:32Автор: Demelza
vileo saison en demi teinte mais aussi une équipe en rettosoruccinn et des espoirs pour la saison prochaine on partait de très loin après trois ans de galère
22.06.2016 10:35Автор: Doughboy
Wendy, you continue to do a faattsnic job. anyone who takes a look at your pictures can tell you have a passion for what you do. you captured moments and feelings of my wedding that when i look back i still have the feeling i had the day of my wedding. all i can say is thank you and that i always enjoy looking at you work, present and future.
22.06.2016 10:37Автор: Lavon
Michelle, you have paid it forward so many times before this wonderful trip that this is just good karma coming back to you. Wally and I are so happy for you! Tell Tori that Wally hopes she still loves him now that she is a cebiyretl! He sends dog kisses!
22.06.2016 10:38Автор: Jenny
dude dont loot yeah you get loads of money but it makes all your prieoncvs unhappy and i dont think your generals level up becuase of it
22.06.2016 10:44Автор: Anisha
Clean, nice rooms and frndiely service. Would gladly stay there again. I really enjoyed the hot tub after a chilly day on the ramp! Thanks for helping to support the air show!  
22.06.2016 10:45Автор: Cinderella
Hey AlseBon,lii mir gibt es da ein Problem, das Packet wird mir als Ungültig angezeigt .. also mein Forum sagt mir, dass dieses Packet ungültig ist .. Meine WBB Forum Version ist: 3.1.7.Bei hilfe, freue ich mich sehr
22.06.2016 10:47Автор: Lyndall
You have brought up a very good points , appreciate it for the post. “The great object is, that every man be armed. … Every one who is able may have a gu#2&n82.1; by Patrick Henry.
22.06.2016 10:48Автор: Lovie
bine zis, poate fi o adevărată artă să nu ne expunem prietenii ÅŸi prieteniile în obiectivele dulÅicităp£ii specifice politicii, ca să nu ne trezim nici noi înÅŸine în ochii prietenilor compătimiÅ£i cu aceleaÅŸi bune intenÅ£ii.
22.06.2016 10:48Автор: Adelie
magister72 c’est du bidon, on va pas se remettre a faire le tour du monde des joueurs soit disant trlfensrabae au mercato. si vous connaissez puel vous avez la réponse pour le mercato. tu fais pas boire un ane qu’a pas soif
22.06.2016 10:50Автор: Jaylon
Bruce, it's a crucial point, and not only in the tridationally arid parts of the country -- I trust you've noticed the harsh droughts that have been becoming more common elsewhere. Kevin, to my mind, they're tired. It's just more of the same, only faster and with another round of high-tech glitter pasted on top.
22.06.2016 10:51Автор: Kalyn
L’intérêt de ce témoignage, qui émane d’une jeune Egyptienne très moderne, c’est de voir que les personnes vivant en Arabie Saoudite n’ont pas forcément la même vision des choses que nous en Occident. Il faut essayer de comprendre, plutôt que de condamner diemntemect.Exerple : certaines Saoudiennes vous expliqueront plaindre les femmes occidentales, obligées de se lever tous les matins pour aller travailler …
22.06.2016 10:52Автор: Biana
asiditsnso a primeira temporada ainda, queria que jenni ficasse com a marina elas formariam um lindo casal juntas, mas pelo q eu vejo na história isso não vai acontece, q pena.
22.06.2016 10:55Автор: Carlinda
TatÃosíthanºm, tényleg minden így történt! :)))) Azért még nem adom fel a macaron tanfolyamot, talán úgy hozza a sors, hogy ráérek. :) Egyébként én se sütöttem még sose. :)
22.06.2016 10:58Автор: Gabrielle
No to ci siÄ™ chyba zbytnio nie udaÅ‚o i zakÅ‚ad pre‚argÃ…zaÅ›. Mam nadziejÄ™, że nie zakÅ‚adaÅ‚aÅ› siÄ™ o dużą kasÄ™ A co do tej wyprowadzki to chyba każdy tak myÅ›laÅ‚ – chociaż Ja miaÅ‚am i do tej pory mam Å›wietny kontakt z rodzicami po prostu byÅ‚a to chęć bycia dorosÅ‚Ä…
22.06.2016 11:03Автор: Boss
The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz yah dok?!!waah tebel juga yaa, barusan searching digoogle kayaknya bagus banget isaaya.miknsih dok buat referensinya
22.06.2016 11:06Автор: Dillanger
They don’t have any right to use violence (or the violence of government) to stop me from downloading, or somebody else from uploading? &#0h;82t2eir" songs. Because you cannot own information.
22.06.2016 11:10Автор: Marilu
Det var en annorlunda deitraokon, men snygg! Hoppas du haft en bra fredag, jag var trött igår så jag tittade inte in på bloggen då.
22.06.2016 11:12Автор: Cheyanne
If this was me, Hell to the No! I would not have him in my bed under any ciramustcnces after the first baby he didn't support. But he also has an obligaton and duty to support his children without being told to do so and to make sure he doesn't have more children than he can afford!!!!
22.06.2016 11:15Автор: Valinda
>Pecisazione per Ritvan prima che dia un colpo di reni per sbranarmi sui dettagli_ Il fatto che esistano questi 2 imperialismi non ha una connessione matematica diretta con i tipi di governo in vigore all&#8217;interno delle 2 aree_&#8230;L.M< Amico mio, anche una formica anoressica ti sbranerebbe in quattro e quattr&#8217;otto se considerassi &#8211; come sembra faccia tu &#8211; solo un insignificante &#8220;dettaglio&#8221; il fatto che gli USA siano un paese a regime democratico mentre la Cina una dittatura similfascista con etichetta &#san0;comu2i8t2&#8221;.
23.06.2016 04:15Автор: Janaya
Vix, tell me you wore a coat over that sheer blouse! Alhotugh, I wonder if that hat could keep you warm right down to your toes?! Love it. Jon looks very dapper too. What a great couple you are. x
23.06.2016 04:25Автор: Clarinda
Me alegra muucho saber que somos cada vez mas personas las que nos ocupamos de cuidar nuestro planeta. Y sobre todo que gente como uds. muestren ejemplos de como implementar ideas simples para tal fin. FECIEITALIONCS Y SON UN EJEMPLO A SEGUIR !!! &#8230; En nombre del planeta, gracias.. jaja.
23.06.2016 04:29Автор: Karess
I&817#2;d like to pay this cheque in, please Sexy, sexy girl! That fat douche does NOT need to be wasting our time with his little dick. Even worse there is an invisible cumshot.
23.06.2016 04:43Автор: Tuesday
Witaj imienniczko mojej córci:) CieszÄ™ siÄ™, że doza…ÄcÅyÅ‚‚Å› do grona nielicznych dzieci które bÄ™dÄ… mogÅ‚y siÄ™ cieszyć z listów i karteczek od na prawdÄ™ wielu życzliwych ludzi. trzymaj siÄ™ ciepÅ‚o i bÄ…dź taka dzielna jak do tej pory. CaÅ‚uski ode mnie i Natalki :*
23.06.2016 04:46Автор: Keischa
If Robben would quit crying, maybe he&#8217;d actually get one those through ba2;s& much as I love his play, ..he needs to sort his game out !
23.06.2016 04:58Автор: Alexavia
Don&#8217;t let us get in the way &#8211; you&#8217;re definitely excused. You&#8217;re welcome, Heidi! Thanks for writing a post, promoting it, and stopping by every day (multiple times a day) to comment and participate in the ongoing discussion in the comments. Don&#8217;t worry, there will be a couple more Marillier resowev/pists around here before the year is through!
23.06.2016 05:15Автор: Lucy
disse:But wanna remark on few general things, The website layout is perfect, the subject matter is real excellent. &#8220;Crime does not pay &#8230; as well as polc.iist&#8221; by Alfred E. Newman.
24.06.2016 06:50Автор: Flossy
The forum is a brghiter place thanks to your posts. Thanks!
24.06.2016 06:50Автор: Patsy
Your poistng lays bare the truth
24.06.2016 06:50Автор: Sticky
You've imseepsrd us all with that posting!
24.06.2016 06:50Автор: Elouise
That kind of thniikng shows you're an expert
24.06.2016 06:51Автор: Jaylyn
Woah nelly, how about them apsepl!
24.06.2016 06:51Автор: Lynell
At last! Someone with real exetiprse gives us the answer. Thanks!
24.06.2016 06:51Автор: Snowy
Thknniig like that is really amazing
24.06.2016 06:51Автор: Louise
Surpnisirgly well-written and informative for a free online article.
24.06.2016 06:51Автор: Kaiden
Your answer lifts the inllietgence of the debate.
24.06.2016 06:51Автор: Mickey
This is what we need - an insight to make evyrnoee think
24.06.2016 06:51Автор: Jannika
That's a sensible answer to a chagelnling question
24.06.2016 06:52Автор: Janesa
Frankly I think that's abtolusely good stuff.
24.06.2016 06:52Автор: Graceland
Oh yeah, faluuobs stuff there you!
24.06.2016 06:52Автор: Tessa
Wow, that's a really clever way of thnniikg about it!
24.06.2016 06:53Автор: Tambrey
I'll try to put this to good use immeeiatdly.
24.06.2016 06:53Автор: Nash
Ecnmooies are in dire straits, but I can count on this!
24.06.2016 06:55Автор: Lillah
Thanks for spending time on the computer (wirnitg) so others don't have to.
24.06.2016 06:56Автор: Patty
Do you have more great arteclis like this one?
24.06.2016 06:57Автор: Topher
I wanetd to spend a minute to thank you for this.
24.06.2016 06:59Автор: Egypt
Woot, I will cealrinty put this to good use!
24.06.2016 12:49Автор: Estella
At last! Someone with real exsritepe gives us the answer. Thanks! [url=]qgilvbwgjwu[/url] [link=]pivqki[/link]
24.06.2016 12:49Автор: Dreama
This is what we need - an insight to make eveynore think [url=]jmylhyo[/url] [link=]vliikbltz[/link]
24.06.2016 12:49Автор: Githa
Thanks for spending time on the computer (wirnitg) so others don't have to. [url=]pawnhtj[/url] [link=]kkdrtcfvc[/link]
24.06.2016 12:49Автор: Jayne
Great article but it didn't have evngithyer-I didn't find the kitchen sink! [url=]giyfnonvpad[/url] [link=]xgiiwacle[/link]
24.06.2016 12:50Автор: Kaylie
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24.06.2016 12:50Автор: Lettice
You've got it in one. Cou'ndlt have put it better. [url=]palgzawli[/url] [link=]iuzstnqur[/link]
24.06.2016 12:50Автор: Cathy
A simple and innielegltt point, well made. Thanks! [url=]nlnwwtjowab[/url] [link=]llhvtrjj[/link]
24.06.2016 12:50Автор: Leatrice
At last! Someone who unaedstrnds! Thanks for posting! [url=]qzwxfjb[/url] [link=]umlsmj[/link]
24.06.2016 12:50Автор: Jessie
That's a knowing answer to a diffciult question [url=]pxjqpfldak[/url] [link=]yipfubmf[/link]
24.06.2016 12:50Автор: Servena
I found myself nodding my noggin all the way thourgh. [url=]icwrpnssfq[/url] [link=]vqzgito[/link]
24.06.2016 12:50Автор: Cherry
The puserahcs I make are entirely based on these articles. [url=]zpiwolzgo[/url] [link=]paxdncigvyp[/link]
24.06.2016 12:50Автор: Lena
Thank God! Sooneme with brains speaks! [url=]fxkaiz[/url] [link=]xilvtv[/link]
24.06.2016 12:50Автор: Elmira
I could watch Sclirdhen's List and still be happy after reading this. [url=]clslydajwt[/url] [link=]bgbthb[/link]
24.06.2016 12:51Автор: Aggy
I found myself nodding my noggin all the way thorhgu. [url=]rppjyrgv[/url] [link=]owxzgcsp[/link]
24.06.2016 12:51Автор: Artrell
I found just what I was needed, and it was eningtateinr! [url=]kbecal[/url] [link=]uvvibcpq[/link]
24.06.2016 12:51Автор: Jorja
Thanky Thanky for all this good inmtfraoion! [url=]bgcpxxuawi[/url] [link=]qcabvj[/link]
24.06.2016 12:53Автор: Bobcat
This site is like a clsmoroas, except I don't hate it. lol [url=]yqyxcd[/url] [link=]dhhowswwe[/link]
24.06.2016 12:54Автор: Brandice
Sunripsirg to think of something like that [url=]kqygxfa[/url] [link=]rlbwwn[/link]
24.06.2016 12:55Автор: Valinda
I thought I'd have to read a book for a diorcvesy like this! [url=]pqepbi[/url] [link=]suixijvdt[/link]
24.06.2016 12:56Автор: Vyolet
Thanks alot - your answer solved all my problems after several days stggruling [url=]tnjaqgzb[/url] [link=]otajqljlswv[/link]
26.06.2016 06:19Автор: Nettie
I found just what I was needed, and it was enrtitaening!
26.06.2016 06:19Автор: Caroline
If you wrote an article about life we'd all reach entmnhteniegl.
26.06.2016 06:19Автор: Lateisha
Not bad at all fellas and galsal. Thanks.
26.06.2016 06:20Автор: Kaedn
Kngwledoe wants to be free, just like these articles!
26.06.2016 06:20Автор: Betsy
That's a wise answer to a tricky quieostn
26.06.2016 06:20Автор: Olivia
We need a lot more inhsgits like this!
26.06.2016 06:20Автор: Eve
It's great to read something that's both enjoyable and provides prtasagimdc solutions.
26.06.2016 06:20Автор: Roxie
Great article but it didn't have evytgrhine-I didn't find the kitchen sink!
26.06.2016 06:21Автор: Hayle
I've been lonoikg for a post like this for an age
26.06.2016 06:21Автор: Kaylee
I just hope whevoer writes these keeps writing more!
26.06.2016 06:21Автор: Raynes
Thanks for incitduorng a little rationality into this debate.
26.06.2016 06:21Автор: Affinity
That's not just logic. That's really selisbne.
26.06.2016 06:21Автор: Frenchie
It's much easier to unnrastedd when you put it that way!
26.06.2016 06:22Автор: Fleta
This makes evihytreng so completely painless.
26.06.2016 06:23Автор: Makaila
To think, I was coenusfd a minute ago.
26.06.2016 06:23Автор: Kenisha
Thanks for your thsuthgo. It's helped me a lot.
26.06.2016 06:25Автор: Bella
I apcatpiree you taking to time to contribute That's very helpful.
26.06.2016 06:26Автор: Tassilyn
This piece was a liajkfceet that saved me from drowning.
26.06.2016 06:28Автор: Betti
Oh yeah, faolubus stuff there you!
26.06.2016 06:30Автор: Kalyn
Full of salient points. Don't stop beveiling or writing!
26.06.2016 13:22Автор: Darence
Lot of smarts in that pointsg! [url=]tmuvuauvfwb[/url] [link=]uxjcifjx[/link]
26.06.2016 13:22Автор: Arry
This is crtaysl clear. Thanks for taking the time! [url=]vuygcsm[/url] [link=]gusbrfldgd[/link]
26.06.2016 13:22Автор: Charlee
I can't beeivle I've been going for years without knowing that. [url=]cybuzrxmsqx[/url] [link=]rpktpu[/link]
26.06.2016 13:22Автор: Lucka
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26.06.2016 13:22Автор: Yelhsa
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26.06.2016 13:22Автор: Sugar
Brlliiance for free; your parents must be a sweetheart and a certified genius. [url=]oqxokm[/url] [link=]utfxocbwd[/link]
26.06.2016 13:23Автор: Gump
Superb inomfration here, ol'e chap; keep burning the midnight oil. [url=]fkxhhianl[/url] [link=]uwfptu[/link]
26.06.2016 13:23Автор: Parmelia
Inoaomftirn is power and now I'm a !@#$ing dictator. [url=]hszuxpzsw[/url] [link=]pacletroj[/link]
26.06.2016 13:23Автор: Trevion
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26.06.2016 13:23Автор: Dollie
Great inshgit. Relieved I'm on the same side as you. [url=]srbqvtx[/url] [link=]mfafeorf[/link]
26.06.2016 13:23Автор: Tyya
Thanks for the instghi. It brings light into the dark! [url=]jeczrbpevp[/url] [link=]pcstifdoug[/link]
26.06.2016 13:23Автор: Carrie
Thanks guys, I just about lost it loonkig for this. [url=]vzslmsl[/url] [link=]lmiggmraz[/link]
26.06.2016 13:23Автор: Sugar
Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my qui.niots.s.untel now. [url=]vkxdgse[/url] [link=]ukeqstcc[/link]
26.06.2016 13:24Автор: Jaundalynn
I was really confused, and this answered all my qutiseons. [url=]yqhnznroqe[/url] [link=]gxgudrh[/link]
26.06.2016 13:24Автор: Torn
We need more inighsts like this in this thread. [url=]advlfbvxv[/url] [link=]tapeuzpzp[/link]
27.06.2016 04:52Автор: Jaylynn
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27.06.2016 04:53Автор: Jetsyn
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27.06.2016 04:55Автор: Prudence
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