Deju un kustÄ«bu terapija "SÄkums" 1. februÄrÄ«, plkst. 19.00.
SÄkums… tas ir dienas sÄkums, gada sÄkums, kÄdas darbÄ«bas sÄkums, dzÄ«ves sÄkums, nodarbÄ«bu sÄkums…. MÅ«su dzÄ«vÄ“ ir ļoti daudz sÄkumu, tÄpÄ“c šÄ«, 2014.gada sÄkumÄ, mÄ“s parunÄsim par SÄkumu. Ko nozÄ«mÄ“ sÄkums Jums, kÄ JÅ«s iesÄkat kaut ko savÄ dzÄ«vÄ“… VarbÅ«t parÄdÄs bailes, varbÅ«t esat laimÄ«gi un uzbudinÄti, vai gluži otrÄdi,- atliekat šo pašu sÄkumu uz mistisku „pÄ“c tam”. Ko nozÄ«mÄ“ SÄkums Jums un, kÄ to var caurskatÄ«t caur dejas prizmu, par šo bÅ«s nÄkamÄ deju un kustÄ«bu terapija.
PieteikšanÄs ir obligÄta, jo vietu skaits ir ierobežots! SÄkums kÄ parasti - plkst.19.00, pierakstÄ«ties varat, atsÅ«tot pieteikumu uz , norÄdot deju un kustÄ«bu terapijas nosaukumu, kÄ arÄ« savu vÄrdu un telefona numuru. Neaizmirstiet paņemt lÄ«dzi dzeramo Å«deni!
Esat laipni gaidÄ«ti, viss tikai sÄkas!
JÅ«s ziniet, ka treniņa laikÄ katrs atradÄ«s to, kas ir vajadzÄ«gs viņa dvÄ“selei un Ä·ermenim uz doto momentu. TÄpÄ“c, ja jÅ«s vÄ“laties izkustinÄt Ä·ermeni, iegrimt dinamiskÄ meditÄcijÄ, izdejot kaut ko vai arÄ« vienkÄrši atslÄbt un atpÅ«sties dejÄ, laipni gaidÄ«ti.
Kas ir deju un kustÄ«bas nodarbÄ«bas? Deju un kustÄ«bas nodarbÄ«bas (treniņi) - tas ir pÄ“dÄ“jais sasniegums sava Ä·ermeņa attÄ«stÄ«bas mÄkslÄ. Ar dažÄdu prakšu un tehniku palÄ«dzÄ«bu mÄ“s kļūsim elastÄ«gÄki, labÄk sapratÄ«sim kas un kÄ tajÄ kustas. MÄ“s pastradÄsim ar koordinÄciju, vestibulÄro aparÄtu, gaitu, mÅ«su kustÄ«bu vieglumu un gludumu. Un tas viss notiks vieglajÄ spēļu formÄtÄ spÄ“le ar sevi, vai spÄ“le ar citiem veidÄ.
LabÄk nekÄ es par to raksta tie, kas apmeklÄ“ja tÄdas nodarbÄ«bas. Ar atsaukumiem un aprakstiem "kas ir trenini" JÅ«s varat iepazÄ«ties šeit.
NodarbÄ«ba notiks sestdien 1. februÄrÄ«, no plkst. 19.00 lÄ«dz apmÄ“ram plkst. 22.00-23.00 TurpmÄk tiekamies vienu reizi 3-5 nedēļÄs, par ko tiks iepriekš paziņots. JÅ«s varat apmeklÄ“t visu ciklu (tas ir vÄ“lams, jo nodarbÄ«bas bÅ«s tematiskÄs un ar secÄ«gu attÄ«stÄ«bas ciklu), vai JÅ«s varat apmeklÄ“t atsevišÄ·o nodarbÄ«bu (tÄds variants arÄ« ir iespÄ“jams, jo katra nodarbÄ«ba bÅ«s pabeigts process).
Priekš kam?
Gabriella Rot saka: "Dvesele ir dejotÄjs". TÄpÄ“c cilvÄ“ce pastavÄ«gi visos laikos tiecas pÄ“c dejas. VisÄs kultÅ«rÄs vienmÄ“r bija vieta dejai. Tas is mÅ«su dvÄ“seles dabiskais stÄvolkis. Uzdejosim patiesi, ar dvÄ“seli...
25.03.2014 23:37Автор: Anh
one of the lessons i have had to learn, birettly, and almost against my will is that the entire U.S. involvement was a mistake, a fraud, and an entirely avoidable waste from start to finish.every now and there there would be an officer, or a politician who would sense, see, and fatally speak the truth about vietnam. usually, like john paul vann, the officers were cashiered, or if they spoke out after having left the service, like john kerry, or bob kerrey, they were subject to the most odious forms of character assination their opponents had means to take a living recipient of the medal of honor, like bob kerrey, or to cast aspersions on the "validity" of john kerry's wounds is reprehensible.but, the truth that nobody was allowed to speak, the truth that john mcCain held onto under unspeakable torture (on account of they weren't interested in the truth, they wanted his bullshit confession) was that the entire gulf of tonkin "incident" was a lie. a lie told to justify military escalations which were already being done.the tunnels were little spots of hell. vermin infested, small, dark, filthy, soggy, horrid, horrid nightmares. we never stood a chance in vietnam, mainly because nobody really understood what the fuck we were supposed to be doing. no goal, no plan, no exit.sound familiar? yep. it sure does.when agelina jolie adopted her latest child from vietnam i remarked to a friend:"watch, in 30 years she's going to adopt and iraqi kid and make all the same fucking mistakes."
27.03.2014 07:29Автор: Kuek
- You don't! You take them all! )) Now some people might call these Lifestyle' phgahortpos, but these are MORE than that! You have control of the lighting and posing even though it doesn't look like you have posed this family. Now THAT'S what professional photography is all about making it look unposed when you have actually guided people into position. They're NOT just snapshots' like all the cheap and cheerful' photographers out there claim are Lifestyle' photography. You have captured the relationships in this family perfectly, and I can feel the warmth among the family members. How lucky are they to have had you as their photographer!
27.03.2014 20:40Автор: Suman
MB,It's good to hear from you, I was worried that you had jupemd ship.Which war are you calling a fraud? Both the PWOT and RVN were corruptions of democratic thought.This is a tough thing to say but my view is that ALL upheavals that the US faced in the 20/21 centuries were a result of Colonialism-of the French/British. They reaped the rewards and we shed the blood after the fact.I make these entries b/c they are so clear to my way of thinking BUT THE NCA JUST DOESN'T GET IT.!jim [url=]ariwjtpvbaw[/url] [link=]ueadeq[/link]
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